Embed your Office 365 Videos in SharePoint Online pages

Darrell as a Service
4 min readJul 1, 2015


Great news for organizations and schools using the Office 365 Video portal. Up until now we have had to visit the video portal or use the Office 365 Video app to play the videos. Now you can embed those videos into SharePoint Online sites.

How might you use embedded videos from the Office 365 Video portal?

A number of scenarios are made possible by embedding Office 365 Videos together with other content from your intranet. I like to offer people options: watch the movie and/or read the book. This caters to different learning and communication styles, further emphasizing your message and key points.

Help new employees and students get familiar with their new environment.

Create a series of videos, activities and introductory documents for new employees and students and embed them in a collection of pages. Work through the pages as part of the induction process.

Add screen recordings to your self-help site on your intranet

Enrich your documented procedures and processes with video. Use the free Office Mix add-in for PowerPoint to record screen captures of procedures. Aside of publishing the Office Mix portal, the addin can save your recordings as a video in MP4 format, which can be uploaded to the Office 365 Video portal.


Recordings of projects and jobs

Sometimes photo’s aren’t enough. A video can give a greater sense of space, context and real-time experience. Walking through a building site, demonstrating and commenting on ideas, video proof of execution of work. Store the videos in the Office 365 Video portal and embed them with static photos and links to reports or plans.

Communicate using videos

Display a recorded update from your CEO or Principal as an engaging alternative to a blog post. Or better still, embed the video in a SharePoint based blog post.

The new Delve based blog experience allows you to add the link to the video. There’s no need to use the embed code.


Exemplars of work

Record brief interviews with staff, sharing their successes and ideas. Create a page to present the top 5 speeches recorded in your classes or share video submissions of student projects.

Highlights from events

Share highlights from your school team’s latest games. Present snippets of video from customer event or conference.

Online meeting recordings

Share recordings of online meetings alongside meeting content. Create a page, embed the meeting recording and links to the key documents or meeting artifacts.

Why do we store videos in Office 365 Video portals?

Thinking of the uses for videos listed above, some of the recorded content could be considered commercially sensitive or may need to adhere to privacy restrictions. You might think that using public services such as YouTube or Vimeo are sufficient for sharing your videos with your organization or school. Marking a video as private or unpublished could be seen as enough to keep the video “internal”. But a link to an unpublished video can still be shared. Your organization might have a policy of blocking YouTube or may want to avoid presenting advertisements and inappropriate videos. The only way to be certain that internal content is not shared or leaked publicly is if it is stored in a video portal that is controlled by your organization.

Office 365 Video portals are continuing to improve. Recent changes have meant that videos can be played using adaptive streaming across all devices and web browsers. So a phone can play a lower quality video over mobile data and size it to the appropriate screen, while a tablet or laptop connected to broadband can stream the highest quality of the recording. Video portal channels group common videos and can be shared with the whole organization or school, or access can be restricted to a group of people. These benefits are still enjoyed when a video from the Video portal is embedded into a SharePoint Online page.

Read the Office Support article to find out more — Embed a video on your site from Office 365 Video.



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